Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Amy Carter: Not Supporting Democratic Candidate, Dr. Debra Tann, Mr. Floyd Rose Responds

"Published by Permission from SCLC President Floyd Rose

September 6, 2010

Mrs. Amy Carter
State Representative
District 175
Post Office Box 1535
Valdosta, Georgia 31603-1535

My Dear Amy:

“Careful, cautious people, never change anything, not even their own minds.
---Susan B. Anthony

First, I want to thank you for returning my call. You certainly didn't have to, and I am grateful that you took the time to listen to me.

I want to also state again my personal disappointment in the position you have taken with respect to your refusal to endorse and support a fellow democrat, and especially one who is far better qualified to represent the interest of her party, her constituency, and her State. I am especially disappointed because your own district is substantially, if not predominately, African American.

Although I can appreciate your personal ties to Jason Shaw, a Republican, whose father ran as a democrat, I would never have thought that you would place your personal friendships above the interest of the people, and especially the children who need the clearest and most articulate voice to speak for them. And in your heart, you know that a fellow democrat, Dr. Debra Tann, is that voice.

During my sophomore year in college, my best friend, and room mate, a young man whom I had taken with me across the country, and to Canada, introduced him to friends who later helped finance his education, at whose wedding I officiated, and who was the best man in mine, when I ran for the presidency of our Sophomore class, William Miller supported somebody else. Although I was disappointed, he explained to me that we were not voting on our friendship, we were voting for the best-qualified person to be president of the class. He was right, I knew it, and respected him even more.

At a time of your convenience, I wish you would review the history of politicians who worshiped at the alter of political expediency, who were more interested in personal friendships than they were in the people whom they represented. They were driven by popularity, and not by principle, influenced by what was socially acceptable, and not by what was morally and ethically right. Today they are insignificant footnotes to history, known by few and respected by none.

Amy, William Miller was a real friend, and you have an opportunity to be a real friend to Jason Shaw. In the end, he will respect you for doing the right thing. Now he can only thank you for supporting him.

Sincerely yours,

Floyd Rose
President SCLC:

Leigh Touchton, President Valdosta-Lowndes NAACP
SCLC Board of Directors
George Boston Rhynes
Jason Shaw

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