Sunday, November 28, 2010

Georgia Votes Nullified by: REP. Amy Carter, and Ellis Black "ARE THEY POLITICAL GANGSTERS"


TO:  Editors, Gov. Representatives, Internet, and beyond

SUBJECT:  Was Georgia VOTES Nullified by Political Gangsters, [Rep. Ellis Black and Amy Carter Today’s Headlines and Column in VDT read; “Black, Carter Switch Parties]”

Today’s VDTs Headlines should have read; “Was Georgia VOTES Nullified by Political Gangsters.”  After Georgia Voters read the Times article about Rep. Amy Carter and Ellis Black switching political parties.  We all should rejoice now that they are out of the closet and will no longer deceive us in these two districts.

Switching political parties is not a crime.  However these two officials should first apologize to voters and then submit their resignation.  Then Georgia voters can exercise their right to vote for the candidate they want to represent them in their respective districts. 

Otherwise we all must ask; “Was Georgia VOTERS Nullified by Political Gangsters” for self gain and have Georgia’s Electoral Process been weakened or compromised?  This pattern and practice shows how little attention and respect is given to Georgia Voters along with military veterans that placed their lives on the line to defend these rights.   

Even more disappointing under our form of government is that Georgia television, newspapers, and radio stations seems uninterested in reporting the importance of Citizens Rights to Vote----and for that vote to mean something.

President Barack Obama was elected following forty-three OTHER all White Male Presidents.  However after his election the new patriots and Christians of today have set a new precedence that apparently says.  That unless someone is from your particular political party.  Then you should not enlist into any branch of the United States Armed Forces, buy from their retail store, employ workers, be treated by their doctors, have dental work done a their facility or have him or her to perform surgery on you. 

This new precedence set by today’s patriots and Christians are filled with venomous poison from the lips.  But what if other Americans had followed this pattern and practice during their centuries of mistreatment even from some of the other forty-three White Male Presidents that treated them in the most inhumane manner---in truth where would our beloved republic be today?  God Bless everybody equally.

Retired Military Veteran from Active Duty
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Special Note:  No permission needed to post on other websites and blogs.  We the people must have a voice beyond the voices that continues to eat away at the very foundation of what made this country different from other nations of the world in certain aspects.  Stand strong in times like these!

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